Mr. Shi LIU


release time:2017-03-09 16:50:45  view count:134156  source:Boao Forum for Asia

 Mr. Shi LIU

Founder and Chairman of Billions Finance

Mr. Shi Liu was born in Jining,Shandong Province. He obtained MBA degree from Ivey School of Business in Canada in 2005 and had taken senior management roles in several multinational finance institution sincluding Bank of China,  Bank of China Trust and Consulting Company, PPF Group and Harbin bank. In 2013, Mr. Liu established Billions Finance, and has been taking the position of Chairman of Board and CEO till now. In 2016, he became the instructor of CZIFI, also be honored as VIP guest in People Finance Forum, and obtained the “The Most Influential people in Consumer Finance industry”  in The Fifth International Financial conference.