release time:2017-03-15 14:17:28  view count:97239  source:Boao Forum for Asia


Founder & CEO, Wongnai

Yod Chinsupakul is the CEO and Co-Founder of Wongnai, the number one restaurant and beauty reviews application in Thailand. After graduating with a computer engineering degree from Chulalongkorn, Yod worked as a support manager at Thomson Reuters for four years before enrolling in the MBA program at UCLA Anderson. While in LA, Yod frequently used Yelp to find good places to eat and saw an opportunity to create a similar service for the Thai people. In 2010, when the startup scene was virtually non-existent, Yod returned home to co-found Wongnai with three computer engineering friends with zero outside funding. Fast forward seven years, Wongnai now operates in 9 locations and has over 2.5 million users accessing 250,000 local businesses. Yod's current mission is to transform Wongnai into a super lifestyle platform that goes IPO in 2019.