WANG Binying


release time:2017-03-06 14:37:56  view count:65622  source:Boao Forum for Asia

WANG Binying

Deputy Director General, International Bureau of WIPO

Ms. Wang Binying, a national of China, joined the International Bureau of WIPO in April 1992, was appointed in December 2009 to the position of Deputy Director General responsible for the Brands and Designs Sector and was reappointed for a second mandate in December 2014. The Sector has responsibility for international law development in the framework of the WIPO Standing Committee on the Law of Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications (SCT).  The Sector is also responsible for the administration of the International Registration Systems for trademarks (Madrid Agreement and Protocol), industrial designs (Hague Agreement) and appellations of origin (Lisbon Agreement). Ms. Wang’s academic background is in English language, communication, transportation and law.  She graduated from the Zhongnan University in Changsha in China in the 1970s, and holds a Master’s degree in Law, including industrial property, from the Law School of University of California (Berkeley) in the USA.  She was also awarded a Diploma in American Law from the Columbia Law School in New York. Prior to joining WIPO, Ms. Wang worked in the Ministry of Communication and Transportation of China from 1975 to 1980, during which time she was stationed in the Republic of Tanzania and Zambia.  She later served in State General Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC), and was in charge of the Department for Registration and Supervision of Foreign Company and Trade-names, and China Trademark Service, an institution concerned with trademark service under the SAIC until 1992.